There is theme that has been popping up a lot in my life and the people around me. It is the theme of letting go. I used to think that letting go of things was always a bad thing and that if you let go it was equivalent to giving up.
I have had a tough time lately with taking on too much of everyone’s thoughts and issues. I have always been one to be here and to listen and be a friend. A lot of people come to me and I feel honored to get to be their ear. I know this will never really change.
But as I have sat and talked and assisted I feel that I have hit on something that is a sign of the times in a way.
I am just a guilty as anyone in that I take on way more sometimes than I think that I can handle. I am learning lessons all the time in, regard to the idea of letting go. I have found that we as people are so caring and wanting to be able to assist others in a time of need. Sadly though I have seen a pattern of people willing to help others in a way that takes away from themselves.
What a fine line we all walk… at what point is selfishness and selflessness defined and at what point does one overtake the other. As I started looking deeper within myself and see that I have sacrificed a lot of myself in the past when sometimes I needed to nurture myself. That is the fallout of being too available to others.
The flipside is learning a valuable lesson in learning to Let Go. That is that it is ok to let some things go. I am one who is able to remember everything when it comes to situations and life experiences. But sometimes it is ok to step back and just let things go. I don’t always have to be the one who has to always be there. Or the one with all the divine words to fix things. I feel blessed to have the life experience I do… It has gave me wisdom and strength, But sometimes it is ok to say no.
Sometimes letting go means letting go of the things that I over analyze and “think” should be a certain way. By that I mean sometimes I am so head strong that things have to be done a certain way and I refuse to just let things be. I feel like I am always in a rush to have the next adventure or make things in my life happen but sometimes they have to just be.
Reality is that sometimes by letting go we are actually creating a freedom. By letting go we release the mental chains that we are bound by and slowly actually reveal more of ourselves and in essence let more of ourselves go … that is where we learn that Letting Go actually creates a freedom.
I have so many thoughts, fears, and crutches that hold me back and stop me from finding my full potential. There is a part of me so afraid to let go for fear that I will actually make things in my life happen and that my dreams will come true.
I think it is time for me to simply work to let go…
“Piece by piece I take apart /This complicated heart
And I hope to find /Something I can prove is real
I can feel is truth /I can say is mine
That's all I ever wanted to be
The closer that I got /The further I could see
We choose our road /The letting go “ – Melissa Etheridge