These are the words a friend said to me recently. There is an air in the world, sadness and a loss of hope. The morale in the country and the world, in general, is at a low and it is challenging. I am worn to the bone with being the one that people turn to and vent, deal, and let all their angst pour from them only to do nothing about it .
Do not get me wrong, oh how I love to help people and listen and be supportive to them. The big thing though I notice is a huge sense of impending doom. No matter how much I try and be supportive it would seem that I end up within a week or so hearing the same problems from the same people. The resolve is never there and it seems like the issues that the person I talk to is that nothing will ever change.
The whole idea of the defeatist is too much for me to take on anymore. The truth is I am not a therapist and I do not get paid to take on the world. I would love to think that my words are making a difference and that there is a hope that my life experience has brought to some.
The truth is that, as I hear many times, my experience is only that… MINE… I cannot and will no longer take on the role of fixer upper to people who refuse to take responsibility or move forward on their own accord.
We all go through lows and highs. We all have the chance to learn new things in life. We all have the chance to break the mold of what we are used to and create a new identity for ourselves. Not one of is bound by the ropes we have bound ourselves in. These are just t he constraints whereby we hold ourselves hostage.
For some though it takes time. Time to find your directions and our bearings. I truly believe that if you search you will find yourself. The hard truth is that sometime we have to be patient. A skill I am not very well versed at yet.
So in response to my friends statement at the beginning… maybe the goal isn’t to look for the right place but instead create the place within yourself.