I am never one to be what too much of an activist but I found
myself being compelled to share my thoughts on the current DOMA issue.
For those that do not know DOMA stands for (Defense Of Marriage Act).
DOMA is the current law that restricts federal marriage benefits to
same sex couples.
I feel sometimes in order to voice what I feel I should have facts to
back this up.
DID YOU KNOW: According to the federal government's General Accounting
Office (GAO), more than 1,100 rights and protections are conferred to
U.S. citizens upon marriage. Areas affected include Social Security
benefits, veterans' benefits, health insurance, Medicaid, hospital
visitation, estate taxes, retirement savings, pensions, family leave,
and immigration law.
I do not know at this stage if Jacob and I will ever get married, neither of us are super crazy about a huge ceremony and of course would rather spend the funds just vacationing. Even if marriage was
legal, we as Domestic Partners have a lot of state
rights. federal rights are another thing.
It would be nice to not pay taxes on our insurance; It would be nice
to have the ability to not have a will that states specifically what
each other can or can't do if we get sick or heaven forbid pass away.
I think the idea that Jacob and I after 4 years together would not be
afforded the same luxuries as those that are together for months or
in some cases days is just a smack in the face. We both pay taxes,
work very hard, budget, shop, are spiritually driven, and do all the same things any other
couple does. Yet I am not allowed these due to the fact I was born
gay. Yes, I know I was born this way because trust me it would be way
easier legaly to jump the fence and not be this way. Heck I even tried
it for a bit.I know that we all as Americans should be allowed the rights that provide us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, I just ask that you take that into consideration in any judgments you may have.
Thanks for reading my two seconds of rant... for some further reading
please check out the link below;