Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Here I Go Again, I See My Crystal Visions/I Keep My Visions to Myself...

VISIONS---that word has been floating around in my head a lot. According to the dictionary vision is defines as a “vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation: visions of wealth and glory.”

I think that Stevie Nicks said it really well with the song “Dreams”. I have spent a lifetime keeping my visions to myself. Well this past week I had a chance to talk about my experience of life over the past few years on a online radio show. The result from that was a wave of love and warmth from friends and family. It made me realize some of my vision I have never shared are happening right now in my life.

Sitting in our dining room at the table last night playing my now obsessive Café World on Facebook I looked across the room. I saw Dutchess and our cat Helen chasing each other. They were literally playing and I started to laugh out loud. They were so cute and enjoying life, at least as much as a Chihuahua and black cat can LOL.

A few years ago I sat down with my friend Dawn and we started to write out what we wanted for our lives in 1 and 5 years. Ironically we were at a show here in Portland. I placed the visions of what I wanted inside of me. The funny thing is I didn’t share much with anyone. I thought at the time what I wanted was silly. Boy was I wrong.

The envisioned that I would meet a man that would be non-judgmental and caring. A man that was a partner not just a “roomier with benefits “. I wanted a house with animals in it. A nice warm home to at night. A job that had more meaning to it then fixing people’s cell phone bill. Living in an area of creativity and being eco friendly. Having a nice camera to more shooting with. Have my health get better. There are a lot of other things that are all minor as well.

The point is that I envisioned what I wanted, I worked to make myself healthy and now here I am with all I envisioned. It is opening up a whole world of possibilities. I was reading about vision boards and I started to realize that anything is possible. I didn’t even create a board for my hope and dreams but I mentally envision it. How crazy is that?

I don’t plan to keep my visions to myself anymore and I feel there are more ideas and visions fueling the fire every day. I said this the other day it’s so true. I am at the best place in my life. I have never felt so safe and warm and it is now time to take this warmth and move forward with love and grace.

Thank you so much to the amazing people in my life who understand and accept me for who I am, they are the ones that constantly drive me to be better and move on to a place of healthiness and understanding J

Here is to visions…

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